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Sara Krech
Apr 20, 20243 min read
Easy Ways to Organize Garden Tools
If you love gardening, you’re probably imagining all the amazing things you’ll grow throughout summer and harvest in the fall: salads...
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Sara Krech
Apr 15, 20242 min read
The Missing Step to Spring Cleaning
It comes every year, yet spring always feels fresh and new when it rolls around. Everywhere you look online, in magazines, or newspapers,...
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Sara Krech
Apr 15, 20211 min read
Overwhelmed, stressed, and don't know how to declutter?
The thought of decluttering and organizing your home can be stressful and overwhelming for many. You are not alone. Every client that...
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Sara Krech
Apr 1, 20191 min read
Kitchen Pantry
Struggle to keep your pantry organized? Check out how I helped my clients simplify their pantry. We removed all items, tossed food that...
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Sara Krech
Apr 1, 20191 min read
Kids Art Supplies
I used to keep art supplies downstairs which didn't make any sense because we always did projects at the kitchen table. I created an art...
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Sara Krech
Oct 28, 20182 min read
Is paper taking over your house?
We all accumulate a lot of paper from the mail, school, doctors office, etc. Pretty soon you can't see your desk, the kitchen counter is...
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Sara Krech
Jun 16, 20181 min read
Organization Saves You $
You need a Post-it Note so you try to open your drawer but can't because it's so full. Finally you get the drawer open and have no idea...
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Sara Krech
Jan 2, 20181 min read
Do your kids have too much stuff? Simplify.
I was walking through my boys playroom and felt stressed by all the toys. They have so many toys, they don't play with half of them, and...
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